Best Orthodontist Cost In Dubai

A perfect smile is a sign of good oral health. However, crooked teeth are a normal occurrence in many people. So, Orthodontists In Dubai can help you achieve a functional smile by carefully adjusting your jaw structure. If you’re someone who is on the lookout to focus on a powerful comeback with modified dental aesthetics. Get comprehensive information about the Best Orthodontist Cost In Dubai & Abu Dhabi and go beyond general dentistry to enjoy the results that last a lifetime.

Who Is An Orthodontist?

These are trained dentists who specialize in diagnosing, preventing, and correcting any irregularities in your mouth and jaw. They undergo an additional specialization that specifically trains them to equip in-depth information on facial development, jaw growth, overbites, crowding, and many more. Not only do they correct present problems, but they are also trained to identify any sign that might indicate a problem in the future. They are trained specifically to correct any crookedness and monitor your progress to see if a collaborative approach will be a better option. Moreover, their treatment can stretch from several months to years, since ensuring proper jaw arrangement is a tricky procedure in developing children.

What Are The Expected Improvements?

You will notice an aligned smile along with improved facial appearance and confidence. Similarly, the current alignment of your teeth will correct the biting ability and you will feel comfortable with your appearance.

Are You An Eligible Candidate?

Individuals who want to correct over or underbite as well as misaligned teeth. Similarly, growing children and teenagers with a potential dental problem or adults seeking an improvement in their smile are suitable for this treatment. However, having healthy gums and enough jaw bone is important to undergo any orthodontic treatment.

What Happens During The Process?

Our clinic offers a wide variety of dental treatments, each tailored specifically to our problems, so you can achieve a transformative smile. The most crucial ones include:

  • Dental Braces: Dental devices used to focus on correcting misalignment. These are mostly made up of metal to apply gentle pressure that will contribute to forming a more aesthetic and healthier smile.
  • Aligners: These are removable trays made up of clear plastic. These are worn for a fixed amount of time and then replaced. They apply controlled pressure to gently correct any issues while seamlessly blending in with your natural teeth.
  • Retainers: After the initial treatment with braces and aligners is complete, then your specialist will recommend custom-made retainers to hold the newly straightened teeth in place until surrounding bones and tissues get used to them.
  • Expanders: these are mostly used in children to create a wider upper jaw in case of a narrow palate so that more space is created for the new teeth to erupt properly while maintaining facial symmetry.
  • Jaw Surgery: It is a surgical procedure used when a serious dental issue needs to be resolved. It corrects severe bite problems and underbite to create a balanced appearance.

Benefits To Look For:

You will be able to experience several benefits of Orthodontists in Dubai. Some are:

  • Primarily, they correct functional disorders associated with gums, teeth, and jaw to create a healthy environment within the mouth.
  • Apart from aesthetic perks, straight teeth are easy to clean and maintain, since there are no corners or crocked edges that need to be addressed specifically.
  • Some dental issues associated with jaw are quite painful to bear, so, getting rid of them can bring you comfort.
  • It will also eliminate chewing problems and biting inconsistency, eventually leading to increased digestion of nutrients.
  • Similarly, you will be able to communicate more freely, since dental issues can sometimes impact pronunciation and cause a strutter.
  • By addressing jaw and gum issues, you will be able to observe facial symmetry and an aesthetically pleasing side profile, giving you a dramatic boost in self-esteem.
  • Lastly, it will improve your social interaction due to a blinding smile and almost permanent results that can last a long time.

What Is The Expected Cost?

The cost depends upon the treatment utilized during your session. So, you should thoroughly discuss your concerns with a specialist to avoid any miscommunication. Moreover, the final bill will be calculated after the session. An approximate of various services is given below:

  • Dental braces: AED 4,999 to AED 14,999
  • Aligners: AED 5,000 to AED 17,000 
  • Retainers: AED 899 to AED 1,200
  • Expanders: AED 1,999 to AED 34,999

Book A Free Consultation:

For more information on the Best Orthodontist Cost In Dubai & Abu Dhabi. Fill in the form below for a free consultation, call us, or engage in live chat to pre-book your appointment at Dental Orthodontists Clinic Dubai.

Hollywood Smile Price In Dubai

What makes a celebrity stand out? Surely a bold confidence! This may be a subject of difficulty for others. But if you’re somebody with skills and knowledge, all you lack is a confident smile to seize every opportunity drifting your way. We understand that maintaining proper hygiene or brushing twice a day isn’t enough to achieve a radiant smile. What you need is a dazzling treatment that can become a radiant aspect of your persona. Hollywood Smile In Dubai is emerging as a popular choice to boost your spirits! Whether you are engaged in a conference or having a one-on-one conversation, dental aesthetics has the power to make or break your day. Discover details about Hollywood Smile Price In Dubai & Abu Dhabi and explore what makes it worth the hype!

What Makes A Hollywood Smile Treatment?

It is a perfect combination of various dental services within one package. Not only are you achieving a vivid smile with whitened teeth, but also claiming a perfect alignment, eliminating all spaces and fractures caused by chipping or decaying. Furthermore, the procedures are flexible, meaning you are only undergoing those treatments that suit your needs. 

Purpose Of The Procedure:

The goal is to restore an aesthetic smile by addressing several dental flaws. Whether one is struggling with cavities or discoloration, the treatment aims to upgrade one’s oral health. We provide excellent services for deep cleansing and repairing damage to deliver astonishing results elevating one’s confidence and general well-being. 

Is It Worth The Hype?

The treatment is worth the investment! What sets it apart from ordinary procedures is the attempt to recreate a flawless and symmetrical smile with luminous and impeccable charisma that draws positive attention to one’s mouth, adding more grace to your facial beauty. Moreover, the treatment is approachable for both cosmetic enhancement and dental repairing purposes, tailored to one’s unique features and preference for achieving a confident smile. 

What Services Are Included In The Package?

This isn’t a single procedure, therefore, a variety of techniques along with customized treatment plans are crafted to suit your aesthetics. Discussed below is a series of procedures that are included in the umbrella treatment. 

  • Teeth Whitening.
  • Composite Bonding.
  • Veneers.
  • Dental Implants.
  • Gum Reshaping.
  • Dental Filling and Bonding.
  • Root Canal.
  • Crown Installations.
  • Clear Aligners.
  • And other Orthodontic Treatments.

What Basic Steps Are Involved During The Process?

You are advised to opt for an initial consultation. The expert in charge will examine your oral health and propose a suitable treatment plan according to your budget plan and aesthetic needs. The procedure takes place inside a Doctor’s office – below is general information about the expected steps and stages;

  • First things first, a deep cleaning is performed, making sure no impurities are left behind to interfere with the changes. 
  • The next step is to address your dental flaws beforehand. This includes bonding, filling, or correcting the gumline and respective misalignment. 
  • In case of a chipped or sick tooth, it is covered and sealed for extended protection using veneers or crowns. 
  • Candidates with pale smiles undergo whitening sessions while those with missing teeth claim a complete restoration. 
  • Lastly, you’re signed up for a follow-up appointment. A frequent visit to your dentist will prolong the duration of the newly imposed changes. 

Benefits Beyond Aesthetics:

Looking after your dental health is an advantage in itself. It’s a boost to your immune system and a promising transformation transcending your beauty. Enlisted below are some versatile benefits of a Hollywood Smile In Dubai;

  • It restores your confidence to smile and laugh fully, enjoying every minute detail of the day.
  • Any misalignment, gaps, discoloration, and breakage are also corrected while safeguarding the newly imposed changes with improved protective measures. 
  • Your social interactions become a lot easier. This is all thanks to boosted self-esteem, embracing your personality, and new opportunities for empowerment.
  • Furthermore, you will be receiving compliments on your dental beauty as well as captivating hearts and minds around you.
  • Overall, the new significant changes are becoming a subtle part of your persona, leaving a lasting impression with timeless allure.
  • Last but not least, some treatments do not require any downtime, transforming your smile immediately. On the other hand, the slightly invasive procedures produce long-lasting results with minimal maintenance. 

How Much Does It Cost?

The price spectrum is going to vary from person to person. Although the charges are not fixed due to customized treatment plans, however, to fill you in on the average estimation of Hollywood Smile Price In Dubai, your expected package could be billed between AED 15,000 to AED 35,000 depending on your desired aesthetics and dental requirements.

Book A Free Consultation:

If you wish to find more exclusive information regarding Hollywood Smile Price in Dubai & Abu Dhabi. Feel free to fill up your details in the form below and book a free consultation with us today. Or speak to our consultants to schedule your appointment at Dental Clinic Dubai.

Best Cosmetic Dentist Cost In Dubai

Dental health is a powerful tool for improving the overall health of the body since it is directly linked to the digestive as well as the cardiovascular system. Moreover, a confident smile can be a game changer in terms of your body language communicating more than your words. So, the Best Cosmetic Dentist In Dubai is a great option for those looking to improve their aesthetic smile. It consists of carefully crafted procedures that are selected based on your condition and are later used to address a plethora of concerns regarding your gum and overall oral health. Read more about the Best Cosmetic Dentist Cost In Dubai & Abu Dhabi and visit us for a complete check-up.

What Is Cosmetic Dentistry?

It includes numerous types of procedures that are specifically performed to improve the appearance of your teeth and gums. Furthermore, it improves your aesthetics and restores your chipped or broken teeth. Not only that, frequent visits to dentists can help you maintain your oral health by getting rid of cavities and debris from time to time. Your gums become healthier and no longer bleed, enhancing your comfort. Lastly, you will feel confident while smiling which can ultimately improve your social interaction. 

What Are The Expected Improvements?

The outcomes will be visible in the form of a radiant smile. You will notice an enhanced jaw structure, improved gum health, and aligned teeth. Moreover, the treatment also involves improving your biting disorders.

Who Is A Suitable Candidate?

Candidates who are willing to upgrade their dental health and wish to seek improvements in their overall aesthetics while undergoing a correction session of their dental flaws are suitable contenders for the treatment.

Treatment Options:

  • Cosmetic Bonding: It is a bonding technique that uses a tooth color resin to improve the appearance of your teeth. It repairs mild dental damage and other aesthetic issues to ensure further damage is prevented.
  • Veneers: These are thin shells made up of porcelain to ensure that any oral issues are resolved. These are also made up of resin and are custom-made to fit on the surface of the tooth.
  • Crowns: These are also called dental caps and are used to strengthen the teeth while covering any discoloration. These allow you to retain the normal chewing and biting functionality of your mouth.
  • Orthodontic Devices: These involve utilizing several tools to correct misalignment and biting difficulty. It involves braces, retainers, aligners, headgers, and many more.
  • Teeth Whitening: It is a process that aims to lighten and remove stubborn stains on your teeth. Mostly they are performed by using a bleaching agent made up of hydrogen peroxide.
  • Gum Contouring: It involves reshaping or sculpting the gum line to improve the symmetry and aesthetics of your smile. Apart from that, it also improves the health of your mouth.
  • Dentures: These are replacements for missing teeth. Moreover, these are removable and custom-made to fit snugly against the missing area. These are made up of acrylic resin and are held in place by a powerful suction.

Benefits To Look For:

Following are some advantages of Cosmetic Dentistry In Dubai:

  • The primary benefit of this treatment involves improved aesthetics and glowing smiles to address various types of concerns.
  • Additionally, you will be able to enhance your oral health and restore its functionality by getting rid of major dental issues.
  • You will also regain natural-looking results that will precisely blend in with your pre-existing teeth.
  • It offers a wide variety of services that are personalized to help you treat your specific condition by addressing the exact symptoms.
  • By attaining a beautiful smile, you will notice a positive impact on your personality. This will give you a boost in self-confidence and esteem.
  • Most of the procedures involved are minimally invasive and require minimal downtime as well as speedy recovery.
  • Lastly, you will be able to prevent further dental damage and fully restore any mild injury that you might be facing.

Expected Cost:

The average cost can start from AED 1,000 to AED 12,000. However, the final bill is calculated depending on the resources used during the session. So, contact your healthcare specialist to discuss your best options thoroughly and make a decision based on thorough research, suggesting whether the treatment is affordable in your pocket.

Book A Free Consultation:

For more information on the Best Cosmetic Dentist Cost In Dubai & Abu Dhabi. Fill out the form below for a free consultation or call us to pre-book your appointment with our top Dentists at Dental Clinic Dubai.

How Long Do Teeth Survive After A Root Canal in Dubai

Root canal procedures generally produce long-lasting results but questions like How Long Do Teeth Survive After A Root Canal In Dubai & Abu Dhabi often come to mind. They are performed with extreme care and caution but the slightest negligence on the end of either the dentist or patient can generate unfavorable outcomes. However, our Root Canal In Dubai serves a satisfactory purpose and aims to work efficiently. This is because our trained staff and advanced dental appliances are generating up-to-mark outcomes and satisfaction to instill relief. Read along to discover more about the safety measures we implement to safeguard your dental health.


It aims to save a tooth that is damaged due to various reasons such as infection or injury. It works by extracting the debris and cleaning it from the inside. Furthermore, it is closed to avoid any more damage. The other objectives of this therapy include relieving pain or discomfort, restoring overall functionality, and helping in the preservation of teeth.


Following is the step-by-step procedure of Root Canal Treatment In Dubai:

  • The first step is the local anesthesia administration. Your specialist will inject it to make the affected area numb to avoid any pain or discomfort. They may also recommend taking medication if you are feeling anxious.
  • To keep your teeth dry, they will place a piece of rubber-like material on the targeted spot. 
  • To reach the dental pulp a hole is drilled. Don’t worry it’s tiny and you won’t feel any sensation because of numbness.
  • Using special equipment your endodontist will take out the vessels, nerves, and tissue in that area.
  • Now the area will be cleaned thoroughly. It is very important to take out all the impurities present here.
  • The empty and hollow area will be filled with material that is similar to rubber and in dental terminology, it is called gutta-percha.
  • The teeth will be closed with the temporary filling material. This material aims to prevent bacteria from entering.
  • In the last step, they will place a dental crown that aims to save your teeth and helps with proper chewing.


The following are the advantages of this procedure:

  • When a tooth is damaged or infected you face excruciating pain that travels from mouth to ear to head. This procedure helps you be free of this uncomfortable sensation.
  • It doesn’t extract your natural tooth instead, it aims to preserve it. This will help to sustain the functionality of our jaw bones.
  • The sealing of the teeth helps to prevent infection from spreading to neighboring teeth and gums.
  • It also aids in improving oral health and reducing the chances of needing any further dental treatments.
  • Compared to dental extraction and its further procedures it is a budget-friendly option to restore the damage caused to the denticles.
  • The results are long-lasting if maintained properly. Similarly to every dental procedure, it needs extra care.
  • The recovery time is also very low which makes it a perfect option for people with tight schedules.
  • The non-surgical nature of this session makes it ideal for all kinds of patients.

Additional Safety Guidelines:

  • After the session, you should consume soft foods such as rice, pasta, or mashed food.
  • You should also consider the temperature of the food. Don’t consume very hot or cold foods immediately.
  • Avoid chewing on the side where the crown is placed. You might damage it.
  • Brush your teeth properly and use a good quality mouthwash that has antibacterial properties.
  • Quit smoking or if you can’t refrain from it for a few days after the procedure as it can slow down the healing process.

How Long Is The Survival Period?

The answer to this question depends on two things: the quality of the treatment and the effort you make to maintain oral health. Typically, teeth can survive for a lifetime but various factors can influence it.  We, at our clinic, believe in aiming for perfection. For this purpose, we offer over-the-top services that are guaranteed to surpass our valuable client’s expectations and promise noteworthy results. 

Book A Free Consultation:

After treatment, you might be wondering How Long Do Teeth Survive After A Root Canal In Dubai & Abu Dhabi. Fill in the form below to book a free consultation with us. You can also call the clinic to reserve your appointment at Enfield Royal Orthodontists Clinic.

Do Teeth Become Weak After A Root Canal?

The presence of infection and bacteria in your teeth could result in tooth decay. This may result in excruciating pain that travels from mouth to ear to head. It is very important to eliminate this bacteria promptly. There are various options available that can help with your dental issues effectively. However, endodontists suggest root canals for the cleaning and extraction of the damaged part and then covering it up to prevent any further damage. This procedure is loved by dentists all around the world as the results are very promising. One of the concerns that is raised by its consumers is: Do Teeth Become Weak After A Root Canal in Dubai & Abu Dhabi. Read our guide to find out the answer to your question. We will try to completely eradicate this query through our words and research. Root Canal Treatment In Dubai offers exceptional services that are guaranteed to satisfy the clients.


In the field of dentistry, it is a procedure that helps in extracting the damage seen in the affected area. The specialists will opt for advanced and specialized instruments to clear away bacteria from the sensitive pulps and repair the tooth from the inside and out. Its main goal is to preserve the teeth and help patients with the pain caused because of nerve damage. 


Following is the step-by-step information about the session. if you are looking for Root Canal Treatment In Dubai:

  • As with any other method, the first step commences with a thorough examination of the problem and reaching a correct diagnosis. After investigation, they conduct an X-ray test and further decide if you are eligible for this operation or not.
  • To not experience any pain or discomfort, local anesthesia will be given. As the area will be numb you might not feel any touch, it is completely normal. It will fade away as the time passes.
  • To have a proper view, the dentist will make a tiny incision. They are made to see the inside of canals.
  • Additionally, they will clean the insides to remove any dirt or bacterial organisms living inside. They will also aid in aligning the deshaped tooth. 
  • Now, They will prepare a solution for filling that is used for this treatment. This stuffing will be applied to shut down the opened area. 
  • In procedures like these, a follow-up is recommended to check if the tooth is functioning properly and needs any further changes.


We will list the potential advantages of this procedure down below, Read more to learn about them.

  • If you are someone whose tooth is hurting, the underlying culprit can be inflammation. This procedure will assist you in being free from that unpleasant pain that is responsible for making you restless.
  • Tooth extraction is not required in this method. It is an advocate of finding ways to save it and make it functional.
  • Early treatment can result in saving neighboring teeth and gums from infections and fungus.
  • It will boost your oral health, minimizing your chances of needing extra attention to your dental issues from healthcare providers.
  • You will not feel any problem with eating or chewing, as it doesn’t use artificial fillers or implants that look and feel unnatural. 
  • No need to worry about your aesthetic profile, as the teeth will be saved in their natural form. 

Can It Make Your Teeth Weak?

The endodontists remove the pulp inside a tooth in this surgery. When all the toxic substance from the tooth is removed, it is natural that it becomes weak. But we offer placement of dental crowns that act as a cap to cover the missing or affected denticles. So, throw this concern out of the window and look out for the significant benefits of root canals. Visit our clinic to get treated by the experts who are the master in this field. 

Additional Safety Guidelines:

  • All dental SOPs must be followed properly to avoid any unfavorable consequences. The practitioners should be wearing disinfected gowns and gloves. All the equipment and instruments must also be sanitized to get rid of any germs.
  • Proper X-ray machines that are designed for dental issues strictly should only be used.
  • Your medical history will additionally help the doctor to analyze if you are the right candidate. 
  • Top-grade local anesthesia should be administered. 

Book A Free Consultation:

For more information regarding Do Teeth Become Weak After A Root Canal in Dubai & Abu Dhabi. Fill in the form below to book a free consultation with us. Or call the clinic to book your appointment at Dental Clinic Dubai.